The Magdalena hermitage near Fribourg is quite a remarkable place to be. Hundreds of years ago (around 1700 if I'm not mistaken... I'm actually too lazy to look it up right now) two guys started to carve out a series of rooms in a sandstone cliff that overlooks the Sarine river. That might not sound all too impressive at first, (and I thought so as well when I first heard of it) but once you've seen it you quickly realise that it's a lot more than just some dull caves. It's a whole little village and every room once had it's own important function. There's an entire chapel carved into the rock and a great hall with stained-glass windows that is just breathtakingly beautiful. And everywhere around you are these gorgeous sandstone textures and colours! How I said, it's a special place. It's wonderful and quiet and perfect to just stop for a moment and reflect. So, when my friend Noëlle asked me for a special location for a photoshoot I immediately thought of this place. (I actually had a shoot there a couple of weeks ago, but the hard drive with the files on it got corrupted and I'm still desperately trying to safe all the images... back up your data, kids!) We had a fantastic afternoon exploring the hermitage, singing cheesy 90s pop songs, doing silly dances and occasionally taking some pictures.
Hope you like the results as much as I do!